Hi! Thanks for dropping by!

I hope you find the information in this blog useful. My purpose in creating it is to share with you my experiences and insights as I work to become a Swift/iOS developer. I’ve just started on this path so necessarily, the informtion you find here will be most useful for beginners, initially. As I grow and learn, I will share what I learn here, especially those things that I have a great deal of trouble understanding. The goal will be to take what I have trouble understanding and presenting it in a way that’s not difficult to understand.

Now, a bit more information about me will clarify some questions you may have about what I’m choosing to write about - I’m not a total beginner when it comes to programming. At the same time, I’m not an expert in any programming language - I’ve only dabbled but I do have quite a bit of experience with Unix shell and Perl scripts - I had to write many for my past work as a Unix admin and Automation Engineer. Given this, you won’t find very basic info when it comes to Swift, for instance, how loops work, or conditional statements. I’ve found the Swift community to be a vibrant one and there are plenty of great learning resources out there. I will link to them in future posts.